vacuum cleaner analysis

Hoover U5750955 Upright Vacuum Cleaner

General Review

Hoover U5750955 Upright Vacuum Cleaner with PHT is a bagless model that can be made a mention of as a vacuum cleaner equipped with WindTunnel technology (patented); which lets brushroll as well as airflow to have worked in perfect harmony. Hoover U5750955 WindTunnel Bagless Upright w/PHT is in great demand these days.

Manufacturer’s Specifications

  • Cleaning Path: 15 inches

  • Motor Volts: 120 V

  • Height Adjustment: 3

    Special Features

  • Bagless

  • Not self-propelled

  • Nozzle Type: WT

  • Hose Type: DS

  • Inclusive of dirt cup

  • HEPA Filtration included

  • On-board tools provided

  • Edge Groomers

  • Headlight

  • Up-front covered tool storage


    Hoover U5750955 Upright vacuum cleaner w/PHT has been provided with warranty of 1 year. This states that within a year of date of purchase, one can get this vacuum cleaner replaced or repaired; that too, without having to shell out anything. However, one can avail of such sort of service only from company technician. An outsider would make the same service payable. One must note that company would not bear the responsibility of losses incurred by customer due to defects caused in the mentioned vacuum cleaner.


  • WindTunnel Technology

  • Powered Hand Tool

  • 3-position handle


  • Pricey as compared to counterparts

    Overall Review

    Hoover U5750955 WindTunnel Bagless Upright w/PHT has been provided with innumerable features to suit modern day environment. This is evident from WindTunnel Technology; with which it is embedded. The device lifts, traps dirt. This would ensure that dirt does not get scattered back in to carpet. Twin Chamber System executes the task of capturing dirt in dirt cup that is self-contained. 3-position handle has been made available; which would simplify the activity of cleaning stairs. Cleaning path is as long as 15 inches. This would assure of faster and quicker operation. Materials used for construction are such that one need not worry for the life-time. In other words, Hoover U5750955 WindTunnel Bagless Upright w/PHT is completely free of maintenance. That’s why; many people are looking upon the given vacuum cleaner as a lifetime investment. Hoover has printed instruction manual keeping the taste of common man in mind. User’s manual is 100% self-explanatory. The language has been kept plain and lucid. Thus, one sincere reading of instruction manual would make the user well-versed with operation of Hoover U5750955 WindTunnel Bagless Upright w/PHT. With this device, one would experience extreme comfort and a ‘feel good’ thing as well. The decorum of the home would not be taken for a ride any more. Plus, the task is pretty easy-going. Handling on rough surfaces would not hamper the performance. Also, output would remain unaltered even if operated on uneven surfaces.

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